HLT 605 Grand Canyon Week 2 Discussions

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HLT 605 Grand Canyon Week 2 Discussions


HLT 605 Grand Canyon Week 2 DQ 1

Focus on a “current event” ethical dilemma in public health. Apply the principles of the ethical practices of public health to resolve the issue (see page 125 of the textbook). You may integrate recommendations based on conclusions from public health acts and principles to support your position. Select three other peers’ postings and provide feedback on the presented resolution. Offer further suggestions, details, or examples.

HLT 605 Grand Canyon Week 2 DQ 2

State agencies typically follow one of two general structure models: the free-standing agency model or the super agency model. What are the pros and cons of each model? Which model do you think is “ideal” for a state agency and why?

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