Assignment: Nursing Education And Nursing Practice
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Assignment: Nursing Education And Nursing Practice
Assignment: Nursing Education And Nursing Practice
- Please construct a 5 page paper and a powerpoint presentation with at least 10 – 12 slides on one of the topics listed below.
- -Is there a gap between nursing education and nursing practice? Please explain and support your answers with at least 5 references.
- -Is nursing considered a science or an art? or both? Please explain and support your answers with at least 5 references
- Write a position paper of why The BSN degree should be the entry level or degree for professional nursing.
- Please type your 5 page paper in a WORD document. Please observe the APA format.The move toward a perspective on social determinants of health has necessitated a broader conceptualization of factors influencing health, but rarely does research seek to go beyond identifying immediate barriers and promoters of disease to explore or address the inequitable power dynamics and the root causes involved. Potvin and colleagues (2005) argue that public health operates from this incomplete knowledge base because there is an “acute need for theoretical innovation” (p. 591). Moira (2010) similarly suggests that because theory is not sufficiently incorporated into public health research, the focus fails to go beyond the specifics of what people say or do to developing a coherent interpretation exploring “the meanings and processes associated with the categories of behavior observed” (p. 287)—in other words, an interpretation of the data. As such, we have yet to develop a more complete and integrated understanding of the way that health and illness are “produced as a social phenomenon.” Like Potvin and colleagues (2005) and Moira (2010), we believe that public health frameworks tend to be under-theorized, and that by expanding our theoretical repertoire to
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