Assignment: Bandura Bobo Doll experiment
Assignment: Bandura Bobo Doll experiment
Assignment: Bandura Bobo Doll experiment
Watch the video about Albert Bandura’s Bobo Doll Experiement. Respond to the following questions and then reply to at least two different students in our class:
1. What theory of aggression does the video demonstrate? Briefly, explain this theory (based on what our textbook states/give us a page number).
2. What did Bandura do (differently) in the second experiment he designed? What were the results compared to the Bobo Doll experiment?
3. What other areas of contemporary life are ripe for this type of aggression development (i.e. T.V., family life, etc)? Share some examples and explain how this could influence the development of aggressive tendencies (or aggression in general).
4. Any lasting impressions, thoughts, feelings in regards to Bandura’s experiments in this video?
Post an explanation of a threat to internal validity and a threat to external validity in quantitative research. Next, explain a strategy to mitigate each of these threats. Then, identify a potential ethical issue in quantitative research and explain how it might influence design decisions. Finally, explain what it means for a research topic to be amenable to scientific study using a quantitative approach.
Be sure to support your Main Issue Post and Response Post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA Style.
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