Assignment: Public Service Announcement
Assignment: Public Service Announcement
Assignment: Public Service Announcement
Identify a public health concern that contributes to health risks or disease. As a governmental official, prepare a public service announcement (PSA) in the form of a two-page brochure to educate the public on this concern. Remember to address the following:
- A brief explanation of the concern, including a definition
- How the concern impacts public health, with current statistics
- What citizens can do to protect themselves
- How your agency can address the concern, including measures and surveillance
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – with specific items
- Whom to contact for additional details (e.g., WHO, Ministry of Health), including an address and phone number.
Your brochure should meet the following structural requirements:
– Two-page brochure that includes all elements detailed above
– Conforms APA writing standards; be sure to cite any statistics or other information, as appropriate.
– Add cited image
– References pages could be included on a separate pages or the back , to not draw away from the brochure.( not older than 5 years back)
– In MS Word there is an option for creating a brochure, you can use images, bulleted, lists etc, to be creative.
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