Assignment: Private Healthcare
Assignment: Private Healthcare
Assignment: Private Healthcare
research the private healthcare sector in your country or region. in Diabetes.
Identify what private health services for your chosen problem are available in your region. Describe how these services are delivered and funded when delivered by the private sector. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages associated with private healthcare. Provide examples and support your statements with logic and argument, citing any sources referenced
What happened? What are the facts? What was my role in the event? What feelings and senses surrounded the event? What did I do? How and what did I feel about what I did? Why? What was the setting?
What were the important elements of the event? What preceded the event, and what followed it? What should I be aware of if the event recurs?
It is important that you write in your journal as soon as possible after an event to capture the essence of what happened in the clinical experience. The following is an example of a journal excerpt that illustrates reflection on events and the feelings elicited by those events over the course of many patient care encounters during the career of a nurse:
Think about a clinical experience that was troubling to you. Reflect on what bothered you about the experience. What could you have done differently? What were the reasons behind your actions? Try to create and clarify meaning or a new understanding of the particular situation.
I have learned, not so easily, that my job is not just about saving a life, trying to keep people well, or helping them get well when they are ill, but importantly, it also entails providing that same dedicated care to them as they take their last breaths in life. It is my job, my duty, and, I have learned, my privilege. As I care for a dying patient, listening to the rise and fall of methodical machines imitating life, I hope I never am calloused to the point that I say, “I do this every day. It is just another patient.” I want to appreciate that every individual’s life has been remarkable in some way—which they are remarkable in some way. I want to make my patient’s journey through this last chapter in their life a little easier, provide comfort, recognize their fears, hold their hand, and always realize this is not another patient but a person.
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