Assignment (choose one of the two options listed below) Due end of week 5 Assignment maps to the following SOCY 313 learning outcomes (course objectives): evaluate how theories of modernity, postmodernity, and globalization explain the relationship between the individual and society evaluate responses to global social change and how those responses relate to perceptions and practices of global citizenship Option 1: Globalization Explore this link: In this assignment, you will examine the impact of multinational corporations on a specific country or region, using theories of modernization and postmodernization to illustrate major points. Choose a specific country or region and examine the benefits and drawbacks of globalization in that area. Consider the many impacts of globalization, such as on the environment, on cultural cohesion and conflict, and on the economic conditions of different segments of the population. You can find abundant resources on globalization on the Web and in journals such as Foreign Affairs and The Economist. Your role is to give a thoughtful analysis of the impact of globalization on the country or region that you have chosen. Once you have reviewed and made notes on all the resources relevant to your topic, draft an outline of your paper and then write it in your own words, consulting your notes only when you need to find the correct data or statistic. Quotations should make up no more than 10 percent of your paper. Turn in your paper in hard copy and digital format. Include a bibliography of paper and Web resources that you have consulted. Option 2: Case Examples Based on Theory In this assignment, you will apply sociological theory to a current or historical event or issue. Choose a current or historical event (you may find this in a newspaper or news magazine story) or issue (homelessness, immigration, national security, poverty, education, women’s rights, racism, etc.) that can be meaningfully explored through the application of sociological theory and research. Once you have selected an event or issue, think about the theories that might apply to it. For example, you might consider some of the following: social constructionism symbolic interactionism structural functionalism conflict theory globalization McDonaldization You may choose one theory or several. Once you have selected your event or issue and your theory or theories, write an introduction presenting the thesis of your paper. That is, briefly introduce your event or issue and tell how the theories help explain it. Define your theories: Briefly discuss their origins and originator, if possible. Give one or two examples of how theory can be applied to the event or issue. Does a theory help to explain why the event occurred or why the issue has gained prominence? Does a theory help to explain how to resolve a conflict that is occurring? Does a theory provide historical perspective on the event or issue? Explain your answers and support your opinions by citing passages in the course readings (or outside readings) that explain how the theories work and can be applied. Write a conclusion predicting what will happen next based on the theories, or explaining how the theories account for what did happen next (for a historical event). If neither of these fits with your topic, write a conclusion that ties together the application of theory to the real world by discussing how the theories you chose might be used to understand other events or issues. Grading Criteria for Assignment Each assignment should not exceed 5 pages, and should be double-spaced, with your name and the course section number in the page footer. A one-paragraph abstract should appear at the beginning of the paper that outlines its theme and major points. Post each assignment in the conference indicated, with a title that identifies the major theme of the paper and your name, for example, “Globalization and Walmart, by Diane.” You are expected to enter into discussions with all the students who post comments on your paper, and, in addition, to substantively comment on the papers of two of your peers. Your paper will be graded based on both the extent to which it draws on theories and concepts discussed in the course and the extent to which it does so with clear writing and appropriate documentation. The following criteria will be used to evaluate your written assignments in this course: Attributes Values thesis 10 points clarity and organization 10 points content knowledge 20 points critical thinking and originality of thought 25 points evidence and sources 10 points language and tone 5 points grammar and spelling 10 points references and citations, in APA format 10 points The grade of A reflects excellence. The A paper offers a well-focused and organized discussion appropriate to the assignment, shows critical use of relevant materials, and demonstrates effective and formal writing. The paper reveals outstanding efforts to identify varied pertinent sources, to employ those materials critically in the text, and to provide error-free citations of those resources. The grade of B reflects an effort beyond satisfactory and indicates that the paper was completed in an appropriate and competent manner and that it demonstrates a generally strong attempt at original and critical analysis, writing, and research. The B paper may contain a number of minor errors of grammar or citation, and its thesis or its conclusions may be undeveloped or too weakly supported. The grade of C indicates that the paper was completed in a satisfactory or appropriate fashion and that it represents the average work expected in university courses. The presentation is organized around a central idea, with arguments supported by relevant examples or data. The paper is structured into correctly written paragraphs and sentences. Although fulfilling the assignment, the C paper may exhibit one or more weaknesses including, but not limited to, errors of punctuation and grammar, imprecise or incorrect word usage, inaccurate or uncritical use of materials, occasional inconsistency of organization or development, and use of research materials not directly relevant to the topic. The grade of D indicates that the paper has a poorly defined topic or thesis, lacks clear focus or organization, or contains unsupported generalizations or conclusions. Research support is inadequate, not clearly relevant, or improperly documented. A less-than-minimal research effort is evident. The paper may also suffer from numerous or major formal writing errors.

Assignment  (choose one of the two options listed below)

Due end of week 5

Assignment  maps to the following SOCY 313 learning outcomes (course objectives):

  • evaluate how theories of modernity, postmodernity, and globalization explain the relationship between the individual and society
  • evaluate responses to global social change and how those responses relate to perceptions and practices of global citizenship

Option 1: Globalization

Explore this link:

In this assignment, you will examine the impact of multinational corporations on a specific country or region, using theories of modernization and postmodernization to illustrate major points.

Choose a specific country or region and examine the benefits and drawbacks of globalization in that area. Consider the many impacts of globalization, such as on the environment, on cultural cohesion and conflict, and on the economic conditions of different segments of the population.

You can find abundant resources on globalization on the Web and in journals such as Foreign Affairs and The Economist. Your role is to give a thoughtful analysis of the impact of globalization on the country or region that you have chosen.

Once you have reviewed and made notes on all the resources relevant to your topic, draft an outline of your paper and then write it in your own words, consulting your notes only when you need to find the correct data or statistic. Quotations should make up no more than 10 percent of your paper.

Turn in your paper in hard copy and digital format. Include a bibliography of paper and Web resources that you have consulted.

Option 2: Case Examples Based on Theory

In this assignment, you will apply sociological theory to a current or historical event or issue.

  1. Choose a current or historical event (you may find this in a newspaper or news magazine story) or issue (homelessness, immigration, national security, poverty, education, women’s rights, racism, etc.) that can be meaningfully explored through the application of sociological theory and research. Once you have selected an event or issue, think about the theories that might apply to it. For example, you might consider some of the following:
  • social constructionism
  • symbolic interactionism
  • structural functionalism
  • conflict theory
  • globalization
  • McDonaldization

You may choose one theory or several.

  1. Once you have selected your event or issue and your theory or theories, write an introduction presenting the thesis of your paper. That is, briefly introduce your event or issue and tell how the theories help explain it.
  2. Define your theories: Briefly discuss their origins and originator, if possible.
  3. Give one or two examples of how theory can be applied to the event or issue. Does a theory help to explain why the event occurred or why the issue has gained prominence? Does a theory help to explain how to resolve a conflict that is occurring? Does a theory provide historical perspective on the event or issue? Explain your answers and support your opinions by citing passages in the course readings (or outside readings) that explain how the theories work and can be applied.
  4. Write a conclusion predicting what will happen next based on the theories, or explaining how the theories account for what did happen next (for a historical event). If neither of these fits with your topic, write a conclusion that ties together the application of theory to the real world by discussing how the theories you chose might be used to understand other events or issues.


Grading Criteria for Assignment

Each assignment should not exceed 5 pages, and should be double-spaced, with your name and the course section number in the page footer. A one-paragraph abstract should appear at the beginning of the paper that outlines its theme and major points.

Post each assignment in the conference indicated, with a title that identifies the major theme of the paper and your name, for example, “Globalization and Walmart, by Diane.”

You are expected to enter into discussions with all the students who post comments on your paper, and, in addition, to substantively comment on the papers of two of your peers.

Your paper will be graded based on both the extent to which it draws on theories and concepts discussed in the course and the extent to which it does so with clear writing and appropriate documentation.

The following criteria will be used to evaluate your written assignments in this course:

Attributes Values
thesis 10 points
clarity and organization 10 points
content knowledge 20 points
critical thinking and originality of thought 25 points
evidence and sources 10 points
language and tone 5 points
grammar and spelling 10 points
references and citations, in APA format 10 points

The grade of A reflects excellence. The A paper offers a well-focused and organized discussion appropriate to the assignment, shows critical use of relevant materials, and demonstrates effective and formal writing. The paper reveals outstanding efforts to identify varied pertinent sources, to employ those materials critically in the text, and to provide error-free citations of those resources.

The grade of B reflects an effort beyond satisfactory and indicates that the paper was completed in an appropriate and competent manner and that it demonstrates a generally strong attempt at original and critical analysis, writing, and research. The B paper may contain a number of minor errors of grammar or citation, and its thesis or its conclusions may be undeveloped or too weakly supported.

The grade of C indicates that the paper was completed in a satisfactory or appropriate fashion and that it represents the average work expected in university courses. The presentation is organized around a central idea, with arguments supported by relevant examples or data. The paper is structured into correctly written paragraphs and sentences. Although fulfilling the assignment, the C paper may exhibit one or more weaknesses including, but not limited to, errors of punctuation and grammar, imprecise or incorrect word usage, inaccurate or uncritical use of materials, occasional inconsistency of organization or development, and use of research materials not directly relevant to the topic.

The grade of D indicates that the paper has a poorly defined topic or thesis, lacks clear focus or organization, or contains unsupported generalizations or conclusions. Research support is inadequate, not clearly relevant, or improperly documented. A less-than-minimal research effort is evident. The paper may also suffer from numerous or major formal writing errors.


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