How is the sociological imagination key to the study of..

How is the sociological imagination key to the study of..

How is the sociological imagination key to the study of..

. How is the sociological imagination key to the study of sociology?

a. It helps us imagine how people in other cultures are dysfunctional.

b. It helps us develop hypotheses that we can test with statistical data.

c. It helps us get beyond our personal beliefs and circumstances in order to examine things from a broader perspective.

d. It helps us understand the narrow array of theoretical approaches that can be used to study sociological phenomena.

2. The concept of __________ refers to the fact that social contexts are not random events but have distinct patterns.

a. social structure

b. rationalization

c. sociological determinism d. organic solidarity

3. The functionalist approach has been criticized for _______.

a. overemphasizing the importance of class divisions in bringing about social transformation

b. focusing primarily on factors that lead to social structure and paying scant attention to factors that create social conflict

c. not recognizing that moral consensus is a key to maintaining order and stability in society

d. concentrating too much on the individual and not relating individual behavior to larger social phenomena

4. Which of the following is an example of a macro-level analysis of society?

a. assessing how people choose where to sit on a public bus

b. observing customers’ responses to being greeted upon entering a store

c. conducting a statistical analysis of when professional men and women choose to start families

d. examining how men and women react to riding in an elevator with an infant

5. Sociology can be said to have developed as a result of efforts to understand the effects of ________.

a. colonization on both imperial regimes and the societies over which they ruled

b. major societal transformations of the last two hundred years, triggered in large part by the Industrial Revolution

c. global exploration on Western notions of culture and intelligence d. the rise of representative democracy on social structures

6. Which two theoretical approaches share the belief that sociological theory must be linked to political and social action?

a. Postmodernism and Marxism

b. Feminist Theory and Symbolic Interactionism c. Marxism and Feminist Theory

d. Rational Choice Theory and Postmodernism

7. Examining the interactions between people with a focus on how the people talk, dress, and use body language is an example of which theoretical approach to sociology?

a. Symbolic Interactionism

b. Postmodernism

c. Feminist Theory d. Functionalism

Chapter 2 Asking and Answering Sociological Questions

8. A hypothesis includes____________.

a. A theoretical statement

b. Instructions for research

c. An independent and a dependent variable d. A methodology

9. Which of the following are common research methods used by sociologists? a. ethnography, surveys, experiments

b. surveys, longitudinal studies, experiments

c. comparative research, content analysis, ethnography

d. all of the above

10. Which of the following are standard steps in the research process?

a. ask theoretical questions; test hypotheses; interpret results

b. review evidence; select a research design; interpret results; report findings

c. find a previously unexplored research problem; conduct a survey or experiment; collect data; report findings

d. select a topic; ask factual, comparative, and theoretical questions; anticipate problems; interpret results

11. In a causal relationship, the ________ variable is the variable that produces an effect on another variable.

a. dependent

b. independent

c. control

d. functional

Chapter 3 Culture and Society

12. Which of the following is an example of how material culture is becoming globalized? a. An anthropologist studies traditional weaving techniques used by an indigenous group in


b. A car that is sold in the United States may be built in South Korea with technology from China, Japan, and Germany.

c. A Czech designer uses a new synthetic fiber to make tailored clothing that won’t wrinkle. d. A Balinese musician will only play flutes made with local bamboo and handcrafted by local artisans.

13. Which of the following is an example of informal social control?

a. Your grandmother taught you to look both ways before crossing the street and to always cross at the corner.

b. You are suspended from school for cheating on an exam.

c. You fail to pay your share of the tab a couple of times when a group of your friends orders pizza; the next time they are getting together for pizza, they don’t invite you.

d. You learn in school not to talk over your teacher or your fellow classmates.

14. A/An ______ can best be defined as a group that shares distinct cultural values and behavioral patterns that distinguish it from others within the same culture or society.

a. minority

b. counterculture

c. subculture d. ethnic group


5. Which of the following is an example of assimilation?

a. Ana’s mother moved to the United States from Poland with her parents and siblings after World War II. The family lived in a Polish neighborhood in Chicago and always spoke Polish at home and cooked traditional Polish meals. Ana’s grandparents insisted that her mother marry a fellow Polish immigrant.

b. Juan, the son of Mexican immigrants, came to the United States when he was four years old. Eager for their son to adapt to America, his parents embraced all the American holidays and stopped celebrating Mexican festivals such as Cinco de Mayo and Dia de los Muertos.

c. The Amish are descendants of a particular religious group that came to the United States in the eighteenth century to avoid persecution in Europe. They have maintained many traditional customs including not using power-line electricity, limited use of telephones, a prohibition on owning or operating automobiles, and a very specific style of dress.

d. Nira’s family is from India and while they like the educational and professional opportunities they have in America, they want their children to follow many Indian customs and values. Nira is in college and her parents have started looking for a good husband for her. She does not want an arranged marriage, but her parents cannot imagine doing it any other way.

16. A cultural norm can be defined as __________.

a. a shared belief about what a group’s priorities are

b. a principle or rule about social life that people are expected to observe c. a symbolic representation of a practice or ideology

d. an abstract ideal about what is good and fair

17. Which of the following are examples of material culture? a. the clothes the farmer makes from cotton he grows

b. the farmer’s family

c. the land on which a farmer lives

d. being hardworking

18. Which of the following is an example of a cultural value?

a. When invited to someone’s home people should answer the invitation immediately. b. Women always go to live with the families of their husbands.

c. One must respect the opinions of older members of the community.

d. People must work extra hours in order to prove their loyalty to a company.

Chapter 4 Socialization and the life cycle

19. Which of the following life stages have emerged largely in connection with the development of modern societies?

a. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect childhood

b. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect immature adulthood

c. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect mature adulthood d. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect old age

20. According to sociologist George Herbert Mead, human beings achieve self-awareness when they learn to ___________.

a. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect see themselves through the eyes of others

b. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect imitate the actions of others

c. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect distinguish distances that are intimate, personal, or social d. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect understand the notions of fairness and equal participation

21. Which of the following scenarios best shows how peer groups serve as agents of socialization?

a. Three kids steal another kid’s soccer ball because he won’t share it. After that, the first kid stops bringing his soccer ball to the park.

b. A graphic designer at an advertising agency takes a class to learn more about a commonly used software program so that he will feel more confident interacting with his coworkers on group projects.

c. A group of friends stages an intervention with one of their group who they think has a drug problem; they try to get their friend into a rehab program but he refuses and says he is fine.

d. Some of the most popular kids in a school start wearing a certain clothing brand and listening to an obscure British music group; a few months into the school year, the school principal notices that many kids are wearing the new cool brand of clothes and are comparing which songs they’ve found online by this obscure band.

22. A/An _________ can be defined as a set of socially defined expectations for a person in a given social position.

a. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect social identity

b. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect social role

c. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect life course d. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect status set

23. Which of the following types of games or playing is most likely to help children learn the values and morality that govern social life?

a. Two five-year-old friends like to pretend that one of them is the mommy and the other the baby or child and they act out different everyday scenes or activities.

b. A group of eight- to ten-year-olds organize regular games of Capture the Flag, taking turns being team captain and switching team members around from game to game.

c. A group of teenagers goes regularly to a skate park to practice new moves and see what other skaters are trying out.

d. Three-year-old twins want to help their parents cook dinner so they are given wooden spoons and bowls filled with “ingredients” to stir.

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