The following are elements of a juridical or legal concept of…

The following are elements of a juridical or legal concept of…

The following are elements of a juridical or legal concept of…

The following are elements of a juridical or legal concept of patrimony except that: CORRECT ANSWER IS 4?

The following are elements of a juridical or legal concept of patrimony except that:

  1. It consists of all patrimonial rights of a person as well as expectancies which may lead to the acquisition of patrimonial rights.
  2. It embraces the concept of universitas.
  3. It refers to all rights and duties which underlie the aquilian action
  4. It refers to everything of an individual with a monetary value which may be used to satisfy his or her recognised needs, irrespective whether that person has any right to such an object. X (THIS REFERS TO A FACTUAL AND ECONOMICAL SENSE.


Potgieter, 02/2012, p. 52

First there is the juridical or legal concept of patrimony, according to which a patrimony consists of all the patrimonial rights of a person (ie rights which have a monetary value) as well as expectancies which may lead to the acquisition of patrimonial rights. In terms of this approach, legally enforceable obligations and expectancies of debts with a monetary value are included in a patrimony.

Secondly patrimony may be seen in a factual and economic sense as everything of an individual with a monetary value which may be used to satisfy his or her recognised needs, irrespective of whether that person has any right to such object.

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