Business Law / Legal 1. Discuss jurisdiction and how jurisdiction…

Business Law / Legal 1. Discuss jurisdiction and how jurisdiction…

Business Law / Legal 1. Discuss jurisdiction and how jurisdiction…

Business Law / Legal2. Discuss long arm statute.

1. Discuss jurisdiction and how jurisdiction over a person or property differs from subject matter jurisdiction.

3. Judges in the U.S. are not required to have trained for their offices in law school. It is an honor bestowed or it is an office one runs for in some states. Discuss advantages other nations might have over the U.S. method.

**The above topics are to be explained. There is NO word requirement. Just a few sentences for each, as long as the items are explained, this is only a discussion post not a paper that has to be written.

**Please reference websites from the United States only. 

Any questions please feel free to ask me, thank you in advance!

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