
1. _____ is the introduction of new goods and services.

A. Collaboration

B. Standardization

C. Innovation

D. Adaptation

E. Saturation

2. Which of the following refers to service?

A. the speed and dependability with which an organization delivers what customers want

B. the technique of keeping costs low to achieve profits and to be able to offer prices that are attractive to consumers

C. the practice aimed at discovering and harnessing an organization’s intellectual resources

D. the technique of establishing goodwill through social relationships

E. the skill of understanding oneself, managing oneself, and dealing effectively with others

3. Which of the following is a contemporary approach to management?

A. scientific management

B. human relations

C. administrative management

D. systematic management

E. quantitative management

4. Which approach was the first to emphasize informal work relationships and worker satisfaction and emerged from a scientific management study that resulted in the discovery of the Hawthorne effect?

A. human relations

B. Hawthorne Studies

C. bureaucracy

D. administrative management

E. scientific management

5. Which of the following is one of the key elements that makes the current business landscape different from those of the past?

A. centralization

B. technological change

C. quality

D. cost competitiveness

E. speed

6. Bureaucracy can be defined as

A. a classical management approach that applied scientific methods to analyze and determine the “one best way” to complete production tasks.

B. a classical management approach that attempted to understand and explain how human psychological and social processes interact with the formal aspects of the work situation to influence performance.

C. a classical management approach that attempted to build into operations the specific procedures and processes that would ensure coordination of effort to achieve established goals and plans.

D. a contemporary management approach that emphasizes the application of quantitative analysis to managerial decisions and problems.

E. a classical management approach emphasizing a structured, formal network of relationships among specialized positions in the organization

7. If an organization ensures that a chain of command or hierarchy is well established, which characteristic of an effective bureaucracy does it exhibit?

A. qualifications

B. division of labor

C. authority

D. ownership

E. rules and controls

8. _____ skills influence a manager’s ability to work well with people.

A. Decisional

B. Technical

C. Interpersonal

D. Professional

E. Conceptual

9. _____ is assembling and coordinating the human, financial, physical, informational, and other resources needed to achieve goals.

A. Controlling

B. Planning

C. Organizing

D. Leading

E. Quantifying

10. Which of the following best describes management?

A. the method of executing, responding, and delivering results in a fast and timely manner

B. the process of working with people and resources to accomplish organizational goals

C. the technique of keeping costs low enough so the company can realize profits and price its products at levels that are attractive to consumers

D. the introduction of new goods and services

E. the method of creating goodwill through social relationships

11. Building a dynamic organization is the goal of which function of management?

A. planning

B. organizing

C. leading

D. controlling

E. staffing

12. According to Henri Fayol’s principles of management, which of the following refers to promoting a unity of interest between employees and management?

A. remuneration

B. discipline

C. esprit de corps

D. centralization

E. scalar chain

13. Managers who subscribe to McGregor’s Theory X must watch for the important implication of

A. contingency perspective.

B. self-fulfilling prophecy.

C. superior performance.

D. individual challenges.

E. human relations approach

14. The _____ approach is aimed at understanding how psychological and social processes interact with the work situation to influence performance.

A. scientific management

B. systematic management

C. administrative management

D. human relations

E. bureaucracy

15. What was the aim of the human relations approach to management?

A. emphasizing economical operations, adequate staffing, maintenance of inventories to meet consumer demand, and organizational control

B. applying scientific methods to analyze work and to determine how to complete production tasks efficiently

C. eliminating the variability that results when managers in the same organization have different skills, experiences, and goals

D. emphasizing the perspective of senior managers within the organization

E. understanding how psychological and social processes interact with the work situation to influence performance

16. _________ are key management functions.

A. Planning, organizing, leading, and controlling

B. Marketing, finance, accounting, and production

C. Planning, operations, labor, and contracting

D. Hiring, training, appraising, and firing

E. Marketing, management, finance, and accounting

17. The need for interpersonal and communication skills

A. fades as a manager moves from the lower levels of an organization into the upper management arena.

B. fades as a manager moves from the upper management arena to the lower levels of an organization.

C. is important at every level of management.

D. fades at the bottom.

E. is important at the bottom only

18. Archer Inc. recently embarked on an effort to increase coordination and cooperation within the company. During the process, the managers of the organization reviewed and specified job responsibilities, grouped jobs into work units, and reallocated resources within the company. The managers were exercising the management function of

A. planning.

B. organizing.

C. leading.

D. controlling.

E. budgeting

19. The opportunities for mass production created by the ______ spawned intense and systematic thought about management problems and issues.

A. economies of scale

B. industrial revolution

C. resurgence methodology

D. management and business education schools

E. sociotechnical systems theory

20. _____ is a classical management approach that attempted to build into operations the specific procedures and processes that would ensure coordination of effort to achieve established goals and plans.

A. Scientific management

B. Administrative management

C. Systematic management

D. Human relations

E. Bureaucracy

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