Discuss how Structural Functionalists, Conflict Theorist and

Discuss how Structural Functionalists, Conflict Theorist and

Discuss how Structural Functionalists, Conflict Theorist and

Discuss how Structural Functionalists, Conflict Theorist and Symbolic Interactionists define deviance.

  1. Define social stratification and identify the four systems of social stratification.
  2. Explain Marx’s and Weber’s theory as to how do sociologist define class and why there is inequality.
  3. What is stratification? List and define the theories of global stratification.
  4. What is gender socialization and the agents of gender socialization?
  5. List and define the theories of gender?
  6. Explain the difference between race and ethnicity, prejudice, discrimination and racism.
  7. Describe the characteristics of minority groups and dominant groups.
  8. What are the theories of prejudice and racism?
  9. What is meant by the social construction of sexual identity?

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