What is predictability? How does it apply to employees? Give three.

What is predictability? How does it apply to employees? Give three.

What is predictability? How does it apply to employees? Give three.

What is predictability? How does it apply to employees? Give three examples from the reading.

  1. Aside from the scripted interactions associated with fast food, telemarketing, and sales, where else would you find scripted interactions? (Hint: Do they exist between students and professors? Parents and children? People on dates?) Give at least two original examples.
  2. Would you feel uncomfortable if a counter person or sales clerk began acting or interacting in a manner different from the one you typically expect? Why or why not? What, if anything, does your answer tell you about the pervasiveness of McDonaldization?
  3. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of control in the healthcare industry? How do you feel about each when it applies to you personally? How about when applied to a grandparent?

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