Answer the following question. Include at least two or three.

Answer the following question. Include at least two or three.

Answer the following question. Include at least two or three.

Answer the following question.

  • Include at least two or three quotations from Weber in your answer and explain each quotation in detail.

In The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism Weber argues that Calvinism/Puritan had a crucial role in creating the meaning and motivation necessary (the spirit of capitalism) for the development of modern rational industrial capitalism, believing that Marx’s analysis of the early stage of Manufacture Capitalism in 17th Century England was deficient in this one crucial dimension.

Spell out Weber’s analysis. Here you should focus on spelling out Weber’s analysis of (1) Franklin’s secular 18th-century example of the Spirit of Capitalism, (2) Luther’s conception of a this-worldly calling which does not, on its own, create a Spirit of Capitalism, and (3) the most important

section, beginning with Calvin’s theology (the role of God, the human individual and the hope for a this-worldly calling and an other-worldly

salvation) and ending with the 17th century Puritan Richard Baxter’s attempt to understand the role of wealth in the this-world calling, as the development of the religiously grounded first Spirit of Capitalism.





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