I’m doing an interview with you because I’m working on a paper for..

I’m doing an interview with you because I’m working on a paper for..

I’m doing an interview with you because I’m working on a paper for..

I’m doing an interview with you because I’m working on a paper for my sociology class.

Explain the meaning of gender socialization. Please answer the following questions by assuming that I am interviewing you.

1. Which gender do you think you are? Are you a man? Are you a woman? Age, color, ethnicity, social status, and abled/differently abled as well.)

2. What did your parents and/or other adults in your life do to motivate you to identify as a male (if you are a male) or a female (if you are a female) when you were growing up?

3. What did your parents and/or other adults in your life do to discourage you to identify as a male (if you are a male) or a female (if you are a female) when you were growing up?

4. What did your childhood friends and/or other adults in your life do to encourage you to identify as a male (if you are a male) or a female (if you are a female) when you were growing up?

5. What did your childhood friends and/or other adults in your life do to discourage you to identify as a male (if you are a male) or a female (if you are a female) when you were growing up?

6. Did your parents or friends ever allow you to participate in “other gender” activities when you were a kid? Did your parents, for example, ever allow you to roughhouse and get dirty (if you’re a girl) or play “house” (if you’re a boy)? If that’s the case, give some examples.

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