LAW_531_ 3 Substantive

LAW_531_ 3 Substantive

Lee, K. (2019). Business law (2nd ed.). Retrieved from

• Learn: Topic 4: Torts and Crimes

• Learn: Topic 5: International Law and Ethics175 or more words each


Discussion 1


Imagine that a friend tells you about their idea to start a sports therapy clinic which they plan In what ways has the internet and modern technology increased the potential for business tort and criminal liability?

In what ways has the internet decreased these risks to businesses?



With modern technology becoming a common tool for personal use and business development to increase profits and customer base it has allow a flow for a convenient tool for a source of opportunities to exchange sensitive data over the internet. This exchange of data creates a surge in cyber theft and deceit with cyber security issues and data breaches. Online commerce is a prefered shopping tool and with this use the information exchanged like date of births, address, credit card numbers and even family connections allow hackers major opportunities. These liabilities are being looked as as tort liability. There are not strict regulation as of yet. For business I am not so sure that the risk of tort is truly decreased. A tort is an infringement of common law. With this stated it could allow for less liability in product distribution when ordered online and sent directly from the manufacturer. Common law is characterized as it arises as precedent. Possibly this could aliviate liability is some cases when there is no physically body within a brick and mortar location. Respond?


The internet and modern technology increased the potential for business tort and criminal liability because due to the internet and modern technology there is more exposure and room for people to engage in such behavior. There is also the aspect of feeling and potentially even being anonyms on the internet. The increased level of anonymity allows users to believe that they won’t be held accountable for their actions, legally or professionally.


The risks to businesses have decreased in some ways. This is due to the actual potential of not having ones identity revealed. It can be challenging for law enforcement to trace users back to their real IP address, and users may not be who they say they are. There is the potential that the increased anonymity of users can be hindersome in preventing or solving criminal activity. Not being able to trace the identity of users in some instances or not being able to prove that the attempts of tort or criminal liability were made by the individual who it appears to be from, which leads to the individual not being able to be traced back to the organization they (claim) to be acting upon on. Respond?

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