Need an Assignment done for my Sociology College class. Looking for plagiarism free paper with good spelling and grammar. Must have two in-text citations and references at the end. Follow instructions carefully. Need done by Sunday December 1, 2019.


Throughout this course, you have learned about teamwork and effective teams. Now it is time to put it all together and design your own team! This assignment allows you to bring together what you have learned and apply it through creating a group plan.

Imagine you have been asked to create a team at work to meet a specific need within your company.

Create a 350- to 700-word proposal of a team to present to your manager. Include the following:

· A description of what type of group/team this will be

· A description of the goals of the group/team and how many team members will be needed

· An outline of a plan for how this group/team will be effective, including the following:

· A proposed leadership style

· The characteristics that you are looking for in team members

· The roles that each team member will take on

· Methods for enhancing group cohesion

· Strategies for managing conflict

· Strategies for decision making and problem-solving

· A proposed team agenda for the first meeting

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