1-1 Discussion: Introductions and Final Project Review

my name is James Spann I’m a retired Army Quartermaster Master Sergeant. With 25 Years of logistics management, operations, planning and BASOPs experience working from company to Theater Support Command level. Including ten years’ experience managed Army logistics operation overseas in Germany, Panama, Saudi Arabia, Kosovo, Kuwait and Korea. I retired from the Army in July 2006. And have been working as a Correction Officer for eight years.

in your initial post, introduce yourself to the class and explain your current experience and/or background in criminal justice. In addition, respond to the following questions in your initial post:

  • What is your previous experience with the structure of a correctional agency?
  • How, in your opinion, do different departments work together and interact?
  • What are your first impressions of the organization presented in the final project case study?

In response to at least two of your peers, identify the similarities and/or differences in your first impressions of the organization presented in the final project case study.

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