Ethical Communication
1. Read Case Study 3-2: A Collection Scandal at Sears, Roebuck & Company on pages 69-71
in Management Communication: A Case-Analysis Approach.
2. Based on the classroom discussion, write a paper that is grammatically correct, 600 – 800 words in length, and cites sources in accordance with APA standards.that answers the following questions:
Case Study: attached in a message to you
a. Has the reward structure at Sears somehow affected the communication structure?
What would you change if you could advise Mr. Martinez on restructuring either of those systems? Provide a detailed explanation of your analysis that demonstrates clear, insightful critical thinking.b. Even though the reaffirmation agreements are perfectly legal and enforceable, if properly filed with the courts, is it ethical to try to extract money from people who have legally
declared bankruptcy? What ethical obligations do those people in bankruptcy have toward companies who lent them credit, such as Sears? Provide a detailed explanation of your analysis that demonstrates clear, insightful critical thinking..
3. Then answer the following reflective question about the concepts presented in this assignment
a. Consider a typical sales negotiation between a car salesman and a buyer. What ethical obligation does each party have to present all the facts when communicating? Under what circumstances is it ethical to conceal certain facts, and what are some examples of these certain? Provided a detailed explanation of your analysis that demonstrates clear, insightful critical thinking.
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