NUR 4827 Miami Dade College Trade Unions discussion

  1. Do you have a union where you work?
    • Is it an open or closed shop?
    • Are you supportive of the union – in other words, did you want to join or were you given a chance to join and you declined?
    • Do you feel like the union is beneficial? Or do you feel the union is a waste of time and money?
  2. What do you think the purpose of a union is?
  3. In a right to work state like Florida, do you think the unions have a bigger responsibility to protect workers, or is the union less powerful because of these laws?
    • If you are unsure about what “right to work” means then look up the meaning.
  4. Answer the questions as thoroughly and concisely as possible.
    1. Be sure to reference any works that you utilize in answering the questions (Be sure that references are in APA format).

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