Company Reorganization and the Future of HR discussion



Part 1

“Company reorganization and the Future of HR” Please respond to the following:

  • Provide an example of a company that has done a total “ turnaround”. Determine if the turnaround has been effective and improved its profitability.
  • Examine changes and developments that are currently taking place in the field of HR management. Predict two changes and developments that are likely to occur in this field in the next 10 years

Part 2

“Best Practices” Please respond to the following:

  • Create a list of three best practices recruiters should use when screening potential candidates for a HR management position. Justify your selections.
  • Create a new best practice for HR management based on the information that you learned in this course.


Part 3

Distinguish the fundamental differences between the needs of child learners and those of adult learners. Next, discuss the theory that you believe most effectively illustrates such differences. Support your response with related examples of such theoretical differences in actio

Part 4

“The Way Forward” Please respond to the following:

  • Specify the aspects of this course that you believe will be the most useful to you in your present or future professional career or education. Provide at least one (1) specific example to support your response. Recommend key instructional strategies that you might use in order to apply the lesson(s) / concept(s) that you have learned to your present or future educational / training environment. If you have applied the recommended strategies in your classroom, then please share your experience(s) and best practice(s).
  • Imagine that you have been asked to create a one (1) day professional development workshop for other adult educators that best fits the title of “Adult Learning Theory: The Essentials Presented in One Day”. Create a hierarchy of five (5) of the most important topics that you believe should be addressed in this one (1) day workshop. Provide a rationale for each of the five (5) topics.


Part 5

  • analyze the key influences that the theoretical and practical aspects of public leadership may exert upon a public leader’s performance. Provide two (2) examples of these influences to support your response.
  • predict two to three (2-3) challenges that public leaders will face regarding the future of public leadership. Provide a rationale for your response.

Part 6

analyze the key influences that the theoretical and practical aspects of public leadership may exert upon a public leader’s performance. Provide two (2) examples of these influences to support your response.

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