South Korean Electronics Industry
South Korea Electronics Industry.General Guidelines for Industry Competitiveness, and Country ReportThe country report will consist of 3 parts.A) International Trade (25 % of paper) • Balance of payments (last 5 years) – analyses and implications• trading relationships (membership in trading blocs) • top exports and imports • foreign direct investments (inflows, outflows, and stock) • tariff policies (country average)• non-tariff barrierB) Select one of the top industries in the country of choice (50 %)Brief history and milestones.Industry size (value, units, and a number of employees), structure, and a number of segments.Use Porter’s Diamond to investigate its international competitiveness. • Demand Condition • Related and Supporting Industries • Factor Conditions • Strategy, structure, and rivalry in that industry (identify major competitors in the industry and what are their individual strategies)• Government policiesC) Culture and Business Practices (25 %)This part is purely descriptive. Topics include• General description of country cultu • Cultural do’s and don’ts • Culture-specific business practices• Negotiating style and tactics• Compare on various dimensions to American culture using Hofstede’s work.D) Conclusions: Summarize, what are major factors that contribute to the competitiveness of the industry of the country.Please do not forget to put a list of references in alphabetical order at the end of the report.Sources: Please put the source(s) of information used in the paper at the appropriate places in the body of the paper.
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