Why Reading is Beneficial

RubricCRITERIARATINGDESCRIPTIONClaim4Exemplary- Argument (claim) is well-phrased, complex, and insightful. The claim has a clear what/how/why.3Proficient- Argument (claim) is clearly expressed and specific. The claim has most elements of the what/how/why format.2Limited- Argument (claim) is not a statement of fact. Claims may lack organization or complexity.1Unsatisfactory- Argument is awkwardly phrased or statement of fact. Claim might be too broad, too specific; might be missing.Literary Evidence4Exemplary- Evidence (including quotations) is expertly- chosen and comprehensive.3Proficient- Evidence (including quotations) is relevant and sufficient.2Limited- Evidence is shallow or weak; may be too cursory, too vague, or too simplistic. More evidence/ better evidence might have been chosen.1Unsatisfactory- Choice of evidence might be awkward. Evidence might not be relevant or might not be sufficient. There might not be any quotations in the paragraph.Incorporation of Quotations4Exemplary- Context is carefully worded and presented before the quotation. Quotations might be woven into student’s sentences.3Proficient- Sufficient context is given before quotation.2Limited- Minimum context is given before quotation. Aspects of context might be overlooked. Quotations might have punctuation or other errors.1Unsatisfactory- Insufficient context is given before a quotation. A quotation might begin a sentence. Use of quotation might be confusing or jarring. Quotations might lack citation.Commentary/ Analysis4Exemplary- Commentary is insightful, reflects thought and effort. Literary commentary usesLanguage and literary device analysis. The paragraph is fluid and logical, building to an overall argument.3Proficient- Commentary is effective; literary commentary uses Language and literary device analysis. Argument is logical and is not “rushed” or “choppy.”2Limited- Writing lacks coherence in expressing ideas; might not comment on specific evidence; might be obvious or awkward. More Language and literary devices possible for literary analysis. Commentary might be one sentence or might lose focus. Commentary might restate the claim.1Unsatisfactory- Commentary might be obvious or missing; might only rephrase claim or paraphrase evidence. No Language and literary device. Paragraph might have factual errors, errors in logic, or flawed interpretation. Arguments might be difficult to follow. Commentary might focus on hypothesis or conjectureOrganization4Exemplary- Demonstrates a clear plan of organization that flows logically between evidence and in-depth commentary3Proficient- Demonstrates a clear plan of organization following the claim, evidence, commentary model. Includes some transitions.2Limited- Demonstrates a satisfactory plan of organization that doesn’t add or take away from the argument. May include a few transitions.1Unsatisfactory- Demonstrates a little plan of organization but may lack focus or go off on tangents that distract from the argument. Argument is hard to followMechanics, Writing, and Formatting4Exemplary- Virtually no grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Paragraphs are written in academic voice. Diction is interesting; syntax is fluent. Paragraph is ordered logically and transitions smoothly. *If Required*: MLA format is accurately used throughout the writing.3Proficient- Few grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Paragraphs are written in academic voice. Diction is precise, clear; syntax is varied; paragraphs use transitional words, phrases. *If Required*: MLA format is mostly accurate throughout the writing.2Limited- Grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors are distracting. Paragraphs may not be consistently in academic voice. Paragraph is uneven. Diction might be simplistic. Syntax might be convoluted or simplistic. Argument might seem “thin.” Paragraph misses transition. *If Required*: MLA format is somewhat accurate throughout the writing.1Unsatisfactory- Grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors detract from meaning. Paragraphs might not achieve academic voice. Diction, syntax might be awkward. Writing might be unclear. Paragraph might miss opportunities to use transitions. Paragraph might not follow CEC format or other directions. Might have awkward organization; conclusion might be abrupt. *If Required*: MLA format is infrequently used throughout the writing.

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