Climate for Creativity
1. Analyze the three scenarios and complete the “Creative Workplace Analysis Worksheet.” In a written narrative, respond to the following: For each scenario, identify two positive attributes of the workplace that promote a culture of creativity. Be specific in your reference, and make sure you indicate why the attribute is supportive of creativity. For each scenario, identify two negative attributes of the workplace that stifle a culture of creativity. Be specific in your reference, and make sure you indicate why the attribute stifles a culture of creativity. 2. In a written narrative, describe how negative attributes emerged in each scenario. Explain how the negative attributes were rooted in conflicting business priorities and whether these priorities are justified. Provide your rationale, including an explanation of whether or not fostering a creative environment, is as important as other business priorities. (1 – 2 pages) 3. Reflect on the negative attributes you identified in the scenarios and describe three individual initiatives (one for each of the scenarios) and three organizational initiatives (one for each of the scenarios) that can help alleviate the negative attributes identified as barriers to creative environments. Be sure to include the following: Supporting rationale of evidence, data, or results (from the resources in the class, external resources, or from personal experience) and/or a learning point from resources (properly cited) that clearly articulate why each stated recommendation has good potential for improving the organization’s climate for creativity and innovation References, where appropriate, to organizational principles and practices for supporting creativity (approximately 2 pages)
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