Criminal Justice Policy

View Riverbend City: Disorder and Crime (linked in the Resources), and then use the scenario to write an academic paper in which you address the following: Examine the critical social problems being addressed by the Riverbend City police in the scenario. What were some of the positive and negative outcomes of the application of strategic and tactical approaches in the scenario? Explain the strategic and tactical approaches developed by the Riverbend City police in the scenario that addresses the external political and social pressures presented. How might the strategic and tactical approaches be evaluated? Discuss how criminal justice theory might be applied to the resolution of community crime problems presented in the scenario. Evaluate the positive and negative outcomes of the application of strategic and tactical approaches for crime reduction. Writing Requirements Length: At least 8 double-spaced pages (excluding the cover page and references list). Include page numbers, headings, and running headers. References: At least 3 peer-reviewed resources within the last 5 years formatted following current APA guidelines. Formatting: Use correct APA style and formatting, paying particular attention to citations and references. Font type and size: Times New Roman, 12 points.

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