GCU Undergraduate in Nursing
I go to GCU undergraduate in nursing. my class is NRS-428-VN. The 2 assignments are Topic 5 DQ 1 and Topic 5 DQ 2. the first assignment is as follows: What spiritual considerations surrounding a disaster can arise for individuals, communication, and health care providers? Explain your answer in the context of a natural or manmade disaster. How can a community health nurse assist in the spiritual care of the individual, community, self, and colleagues? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PAPER 2 the 2nd assignment: Watch the “Diary of Medical Mission Trip” videaos dealing with the catastrophic earthquake in Haiti in 2010. Reflect on this disaster by answering the following questions: 1.) propose 1 example of a nursing intervention related to the disaster from each of the following levels: primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention. Provide innovative examples. 2) under which phase of the disaster do the 3 proposed interventions fall? explain why you chose that phase. 3) with what people or agencies would you work in facilitating the proposed interventions and why? 2 pages each. Also, there has to be references for each paper that isn’t plagarized.
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