History of American Education Timeline
After reading, studying, and taking notes on the links and resources in Blackboard (history of education and history of special education) and any other readings you choose: Create a basic timeline of American History in Education from 1600 – present as a PowerPoint Presentation. Break history into 100-year segments (1600s, 1700s, 1800s, 1900s & 21st Century) Select only what you consider to be the 5 most important events in each segment and provide a succinct and clear description for each event. You will have a total of 25 events on your PowerPoint timeline. Be sure to include specific history that addresses special education. Your presentation will be graded by its content, organization, and visual appeal. Once you have completed the timeline – write a well-written 2-page so what reflection. What did we learn from history and how does that impact 21st-century education in general and you specifically? APA format is required. Name and save your two assignments accurately with student name, course #, and assignment name (Example: Smith_ETSP581_EducationTimeline). Submit both your PowerPoint timeline and so what reflection here and retain the submission receipt for your records.
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