Memorable Writing Experience
the essay I have to write For my records, I need a writing sample from everybody. For this assignment, and to get thinking about writing, I would like to do some meta-writing. (“Meta” means something that is about its own category; a meta-film would be a movie about movies, for example, or a meta-poem would be a poem that is about poems.) So, we will be writing about writing. I would like you to think of a memorable writing experience you had; maybe it was bad or good, difficult or easy. Maybe it was something for school, or maybe it was something you might not think of as traditional writing–an email to someone, a job-application cover letter, a sympathy card to a loved one, or a break-up text. The choice is yours. Try to write for at least a half-hour, though write longer if you’re able. There is no minimum length, but be sure to explain all of the important details: who, what, when, where, why, and how. Also, if possible, think about any choices you had to make based on who the audience of your message was.
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