Romanticism Intro and Conclusion

You just need to write the introduction and conclusion. Please follow by instruction. YOU MUST USE THE FOLLOWING THESIS FOR THIS ESSAY THESIS (underline/last sentence/derived in class/you must use this): , Poe’s embodies some of the key elements that comprise Romanticism. NOTE: Only reference 1 of Poe’s works. You will write about it in your support paragraph. This essay does not address both of Poe’s works. Therefore, if you’re writing about Poe’s story “Masque of the Red Death,” your thesis becomes: THESIS (underline/last sentence/derived in class/you must use this): ,  Poe’s short story “The Masque of the Red Death” embodies some of the key elements that comprise Romanticism. If you’re writing about Poe’s poem “Annabel Lee,” your thesis becomes: THESIS (underline/last sentence/derived in class/you must use this): ,  Poe’s poem “Annabel Lee” embodies some of the key elements that comprise Romanticism.   RECALL FROM THE PREVIOUS UNITS The introduction and conclusion do not summarize and analyze the story. Analyzing the story and parts of the story is the function of the support paragraph. Use the thesis as a guide. This thesis addresses Romanticism, and it does so using one work by Edgar Allan Poe, so the introduction and conclusion MUST focus on Romanticism and lead readers to the thesis. Then, the support paragraph/s support the Romanticism thesis by using Poe’s work to help us see Romanticism in action.   The information below contains links to the units prior to this assignment that explain the introduction and conclusion. Make sure you review those units before attempting the introduction and conclusion assignment. I’m placing links to these prior units below for ease of access. Please re-read the example essay, re-watch the video and here’s some other student’s work.  Go’s introduction: What is art for you? Do you know the art movement that occurred between the late eighteenth century and mid-nineteenth century in Europe? The movement is named Romanticism which includes literature, art, music, and dance. Romanticism respects emotional expressions and various expressions of beauty with free sensibilities, as opposed to the Enlightenment. Romanticism strongly focuses on individual emotions. Imagination, rather than reason, is the most important for Romanticism. In fact, Poe’s short story “The Masque of the Red Death” embodies some of the key elements that comprise Romanticism.  Go’s conclusion: In conclusion, Poe’s short story “The Masque of the Red Death” embodies some of the key elements that comprise Romanticism. He uses music, visual images to express individual emotions such as fear, anger and hatred. The effects of such individual emotions may be huge like nature.

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