Summarize Medical Article

Use the following link to learn how to find and evaluate an online source:  (Links to an external site.)   Locate a current (medical or scientific) news or journal article based on ONE of the following topics:  A disorder or disease that is related to one of the cell’s organelles (i.e., nucleus, cytoplasm, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, lysosomes, peroxisomes, mitochondria, cytoskeleton, caveolae, vaults or plasma membrane).   A disorder or disease affecting cell membrane transport (i.e., distribution of body fluids and electrolytes, alterations in potassium & other electrolytes)  A disorder or disease affecting one of the major tissue types (i.e., epithelial, connective, nervous or muscular).    Instructions: Provide a write-up summarizing  the article.  Within your document, include how the information connects to Pathophysiology, and why it is relevant.  Aim to include 150 – 200 words in the summary. Remember to cite your source(s) in APA Format! Rubric shown below News/Journal Project_SCI225 News/Journal Project_SCI225 Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent (50%) Details in the article capture important information about the topic, and increase the audience understanding. 10 to >8.0 pts Exemplary Meets all guidelines with no errors. 8 to >7.0 pts Accomplished Meets all guidelines; contains minor errors. 7 to >6.0 pts Acceptable Meets some of the guidelines; contains major errors. 6 to >0.0 pts Inadequate Does not meet the guidelines 0 pts No Submission 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCitation (25%) All sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented. 5 to >4.5 pts Exemplary Meets all guidelines with no errors. 4.5 to >3.75 pts Accomplished Meets all guidelines; contains minor errors. 3.75 to >2.5 pts Acceptable Meets some of the guidelines; contains major errors. 2.5 to >0.0 pts Inadequate Does not meet the guidelines 0 pts No Submission 5 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLength (25%) Submission meets the length requirement outlined in the assignment description. 5 to >4.5 pts Exemplary Meets all guidelines with no errors. 4.5 to >3.75 pts Accomplished Meets all guidelines; contains minor errors. 3.75 to >2.5 pts Acceptable Meets some of the guidelines; contains major errors. 2.5 to >0.0 pts Inadequate Does not meet the guidelines 0 pts No Submission 5 pts

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