Paleolithic Period
Your answer must be typed and double-spaced. Your essay should average between 2-4 pages and include a brief introduction, the body of the essay and a brief conclusion. Use your chapter 1 textbook to complete the essay. You should not go to outside sources. If you use a direct quote from the text make sure you cite the page. All of your examples (works of art) must come from Chapter 1, 2 or 3. DUE 1/10 11:59 p.m. ESSAY QUESTIONS Discuss the concept of survival as seen in art during the Paleolithic period. What role did the works of art play in relation to survival? Focus on several theories as to art’s purpose and connect these theories to the formal elements/design of the images, their location, and the materials used. In your answer discuss who created Paleolithic art, the types of works of art created, and the terminology used to describe the overall composition of the examples you choose. In the case of cave paintings, where within the caves were cave paintings located and how did their position relate to the theories as to their purpose? You may discuss either painting or sculpture. Use at least 3 examples in your answer.
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