Specific Element of Candide

Write a  2-3 page essay that analyses 1 specific element of Candide.  You may choose the purpose of a specific character, or choose the description and use of  a specific event, or demonstrate the use of humor in a specific scene or character.   DO NOT REPEAT THE PLOT OR  STATE WHAT IS WRITTEN IN THE BOOK.  CHOOSE 1 SPECIFIC ELEMENT AS YOUR SUBJECT.  DO NOT TRY TO COVER THE ENTIRE BOOK IN THIS PAPER. Focus on analyzing an element that is completely contained in the novel.  Do not write an essay about the background of the text.  Example: Do not write about European philosophy in the 1700’s; instead focus on how Voltaire presents philosophical ideas in the text.   Refer back to the information on literary analysis and the structure of the essay in this week’s module.  In the textbook for this class, The Little Seagull Handbook,   literary analysis is described Section W-11 ” Literary Analyses”,  pages 62-65.   12 font, Verdana,  Double Spaced As always, use correct grammar and spelling, as well as formal language.  NO SLANG, “I” , “We” , or “the reader believes” “The author thinks”  , or general statements such as, “Life is hard” , “Governments are evil”.  Don’t use the phrase, “in conclusion”.  FOCUS ONLY ON WHAT IS IN THE NOVEL AND HOW IS AFFECTS THE CHARACTERS’ CHOICES, DECISIONS, AND ACTIONS.

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