Pressing Issues Facing Society Today
Please write on one of the following three questions in an essay that showcases your writing ability at its best. What are we looking for? The answer is deceptively simple: we want to see original thinking, sincere passion, and polished writing. This means you should proofread carefully to remove typos, clichéd phrasing, and unclear ideas. Basically, you should do whatever you can to present your writing at its best. The most impressive essays will be clear and lively and will give us a vivid sense of who you are and what you can bring to the Honors College. Some ground rules: Your essay must be at least 400 words, though it may run longer if necessary. Choose any format with which you are comfortable. Please remember that your writing will be scrutinized carefully for style and content. Graceful prose is as important as intelligent analysis. As you might deduce from this portion of the application process, writing is very important in the Honors College. Indeed, your writing could be the determining factor for admission into the Honors College.
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