C++ Develop And Run a Customer-Facing Frontend Exercise
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In module 3, you will complete customer-facing web pages based on customer requirements provided in a wireframe document, adapting it to the software constraints and MEAN stack architecture. You will take the static HTML site and move it to dynamic JSON using Handlebars (HBS).
Specifically, in this assignment, you will use Visual Studio Code (VS Code) to edit the HBS templates and JavaScript within the Express framework to implement Model View Controller (MVC)-style functionality.
Continue developing the full stack web application for Travlr Getaways. Follow the Static HTML to Templates with JSON section of the CS 465 Full Stack Guide carefully to successfully complete the following tasks:
- Develop and run a customer-facing frontend that meets client software requirements.
- Dynamically render web pages by utilizing the templating engine, Handlebars (HBS).
- Utilize routes and views to align with the client’s software requirements using Model View Controller (MVC).
- Test to ensure that static HTML transitions to dynamic JSON data and renders properly.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit a zipped file folder which includes the updated Travlr website (travlr.zip) and the trips.json file.
Requirements: zip
Requirements: zip file
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