Alfaisal University Data Analytics Questions
Questions and Data Analyses Assignment and Peer Review Part One 1) Think of a topic or issue that you are passionate about. Regarding your topic, what questions do you think are most important? (For example, you may love dogs and care about health. You could ask “Can owning a dog be good for one’s health?”) 2) Search internet for articles describing data analyses that address your questions. (For example, the article MES.119.005554 addresses the example question given in 1) 3) Critique one of these articles using the concepts that are covered in the till now. Compose one-two page paper (500-750 words) describing your critique. Please include: a. Summary of your question and why you picked the question b. Summary of the article and how it addressed your question. c. Review the Elements of Data Style. Categorize the analysis (or analyses) (descriptive, exploratory, inferential, predictive, causal, or mechanistic). Explain the reasoning behind your choices. d. Address context, resources, and audience of the analysis in the article that you chose. e. Include limitations, perspective, alternatives, assumptions, boundaries and weakness f. Make at least five direct references to our readings in your paper.
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