Network Design Refined Revision
NETWORK DESIGN 1 Network Design, Installation and Operation for a Trading Floor Name: Institution: Date: Tutor: NETWORK DESIGN 2 Trading Floor Network Design, Installation and Operation This report is a response to an Invitation to Tender for AMY Networks consultancy business regarding the best logical networking design, installation and operation for a trading floor. Your Networking consultancy business wants a network that includes providing services for the back office teams of about 45 support staff and 15managerial staffs and about 600 traders on the trading floor. My response will be in a form of report that will consider advancing the current network setup that’s now becoming quite obsolete due to new market demands for example demand for faster transacting operations, enhanced securities and possibilities of future expansions to accommodate a larger number of people (Duhon, 2012). Logical network design A network is combination of connected peripherals such as computers, printers, services and other devices connected to one another and to the internet and for which are intended for the purposes of communication (Duhon, 2012). That is, sending and receiving data from one node to the other node on the same network. If more than two peripherals are linked using cables, the links creates a network. These cables are purposed for transmitting information, data and all communications from one peripheral device to the other devices. This communication
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