Sunning Company

ENTREPRENEURSHIP 1 Entrepreneurship Institution Affiliation Date: ENTREPRENEURSHIP 2 Opportunity for exploration In the technology market, a lot of opportunities and market gaps exist; making room for improvements and new market entries. Our team will be looking at the available entrepreneurship opportunities and investment opportunities. We need to put into consideration the market gap, the risks involved and also the profitability on the investment opportunity. We will look at different companies, the services they provide, the importance of those services and the need to improve or not to deliberate in the company. With the importance information on the financial statements of the companies and the revenues derived from them, we will choose to work on analyzing only one business and evaluate whether it is advisable for us to invest or recommend someone to invest in the business. Our deliberation will be based on examination of its business model, market strategy, completion and the capital structures. There is also need to do a Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis on the company in order to make sure that we find a viable investment solution. Investments should be for business expansion and improved service delivery to the business clients. It ought to bring a solution to an existing problem in a company or business. ENTREPRENEURSHIP 3 SUNNING LIMITED EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Sunning Limited is a private limited company that was …

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