1. A function π: π β π1 is called continuous in a point π β π if it is defined in some neighborhood of π and βπ > 0 βπΏ(π): βπ₯ β π΅πΏ(π) (π) β π(π₯) β π΅π (π(π)). Here π΅π (π¦) denotes the open ball centered at π¦ with the radius π in the corresponding metric space, π΅π (π¦) = {π₯ β π: π(π₯, π¦) < π}. a. It is evident for π = 0. For nonzero π estimate |ππ(π₯) β ππ(π)| = |π||π(π₯) β π(π)|, π which is < π for βπ₯ β π΅πΏ(π) (π) (because for those π₯ |π(π₯) β π(π)| < π). π b. Given π > 0 and having πΏπ (π) and πΏπ (π) from the definition of continuity, use π π πΏ(π) = min (πΏπ ( ), πΏπ ( )) > 0 2 2 which is sufficient: |(π(π₯) + π(π₯)) β (π(π) …
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