Answer To Probability Project.
Topic 3: Probability project Below are some explanations and justifications made on some statements that stand on the misconception side of the world. Statement one: I have flipped an unbiased coin three times and got heads, it is more likely to get tails the next time I flip it. The above statement is incorrect. If you flip a coin, the probability of getting a head is one half. That means the probability of getting a tail is still a half. The probability of getting a head and a tail at the same time in a single flip is zero. When flipping a coin the outcomes of events are independent of each other. This means that if you flip an unbiased coin three times and got three heads consecutively, the probability of getting a tail in the fourth flip remains a half (Gan, 2009). Therefore, we conclude that having three heads as the consecutive outcomes do not affect the outcome of the fourth event. Statement two: The Rovers play Mustangs. They have the probability of making a win, a loose, or a draw, so the probability of winning stands at 1/3 The above statement is incorrect. Rovers possess different levels of skills and abilities in playing this game. This means that the probability
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