Research Design Assignment
THE RESEARCH DESIGN The Research Design Name: Institution: Professor; Date: 1 Running Head: THE RESEARCH DESIGN A descriptive, research survey design was used to investigate the level of energy consumption in various households. More specifically, the research addressed the following research question: Do people get back appreciable returns from the payments t hey make to get the energy? The target population for this study was households in the neighborhood. The sample households were selected using simple random sampling. The selections were based on the focus of the research study, which entailed all the households that use energy. The selection process led to 40 households. Out of these 40 households, 5 were eliminated since they were not connected to power directly. The remaining households were then visited and interviews conducted on the breadwinners. The interviews conducted were face to face since it was cheaper compared to other forms such as telephone and video conferencing. Additionally, the interview would guarantee high response rate for quicker analysis of the data (Doody & Noonan, 2013). In most instances, the fathers were found to be the ones footing the electricity bills while in others this task was done by the mother. Other households had guardians responsible for settling the bills. The interviewees were asked whether the utility that they derive from the energy that they use is worth the cost that comes with it. Out of the 35 househ
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