Picot Power Point
PICOT By Ruth Chosen Issue: Obesity Facts ◦ Obesity is a major issue in the USA ◦ 1/3 of adults are obese in USA (Chooi, 2019). ◦ 1/6 kids are obese (Holland, 2020) ◦ Related to Cardiovascular disease, hypertension, Diabetes ◦ Impacts quality of life PICOT Question In patients who are (P)obese with a BMI of 30.0 or greater, does (I)exercise compared (C) to diet (O)decrease the BMI within (T) one year? Development of PICOT ◦ P:the patient of the problem. (Davies, 2011) ◦ I: for Intervention ◦ C: comparison (Davies, 2011) ◦ O: outcome ◦ T:(Davies, 2011) Development of PICOT ◦ Conducted preliminary research on topics I was interested in. Obesity, cardiovascular, diabetes. Looked at possible interventions. Chose obesity due to public health impact. Obesity was chosen for problem (P). ◦ Diet and exercise were common interventions in the previous subjects. Chose them for Intervention (I) and comparison (C). ◦ Looked at weight reduction using BMI as indicator for outcome (O). Easy to measure, track, and abundant in preliminary research ◦ One year (T) chosen as timeframe to allow enough time for Intervention and comparison to occur. Many articles had 12 months and above follow-up. Key Search Terms ◦ Obese ◦ Obesity ◦ BMI ◦ exercise ◦ weight ◦ weight reduction ◦ diet ◦ calorie ◦ calorie reduction Research Databases: CINAHAL ◦ CINAHAL: This database contained 750+ nursing and allied health journals. Also had indexes of
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