Patient History Respiratory

PATIENT HISTORY- RESPIRATORY PROBLEM Patient History- Respiratory Problem Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Title Date 1 PATIENT HISTORY- RESPIRATORY PROBLEM 2 Patient History- Respiratory Problem Biographical Data Mr. A is a 40-year-old man working as a high school English teacher. Subjective The patient was well until ten days before admission when he started experiencing a cough that was productive of green sputum occasionally. Later, the cough started getting bloodstains. He has shortness of breath with exertion and is worse during the night. The patient also reports the hotness of the body. He has no recent travel history but reports that his coworkers are also sick. He denies sinus congestion and has no sore throat. Has a history of smoking cigarettes for the past fourteen years-two packets a day. He is hypertensive and adherent to medications. He also reports a history of appendicectomy and tonsillectomy. Objective The patient is alert, masculine, and appears moderately ill. His vital signs include an elevated blood pressure of 150/95mmhg, a pulse rate of 90bpm and a respiratory rate of 24 breaths/minutes, and a temperature of 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit. The patient has no skin rush, no finger clubbing, and no cyanosis. On examination, the chest is symmetrical on expansion, with an increased AP diameter. The percussion had the hyper resonance in the lungs. On auscultation, he had wheezes all over the lung fields, but there is fair bilateral

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