Health And Medical Question

HEALTH AND MEDICAL QUESTION Health and Medical Question Student’s Name: Institutional Affiliation: 1 HEALTH AND MEDICAL QUESTION Health and Medical Question From: Patient Experience Manager To: Supervising Manager CC/BC: Subject: Predisposing Factors and the Proposed Solutions Hello, the main aim of writing this email is to address the predisposing factors affecting healthcare and its delivery in the US. i. Predisposing Factors An individual who possesses the risk factors is likely to need intensive nursing care or hospitalization. It is also vital that people can learn about the risk factors of the disease. They include taking the necessary precautions while operating the daily activities and knowing the proper medication that will be needed when an individual gets sick. The major predisposing factors that get linked to the Covid 19 virus vary. Some individuals are at a high risk of contracting disease due to severe chronic illnesses. Patients, especially those of elder age, are at increased risk of having any underlying medical complications. The other predisposing factor is the crowding and poverty. Crowding is highly associated with the infection of the virus

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