Picot Statement Capstone
MY PICOT STATEMENT: How do patients who have had organ transplantation perceive their self esteem during and after transplantation?
1) Select the location you feel you will be completing your Capstone project (Remember as you migrate through the Capstone courses, you will eventually use this project as a field experience project in the community you have chosen…so make sure the location is accessible to you…for example where you live) (I live in Pearland,TX 77578)
2) In the geographical area, are there cultural, religious, or socioeconomic barriers you will face with your project?
3) Finally, after evaluating your PICO(T) statements in assignment 4A, chose the PICO(T) statement that you feel is best suited to address your topic as a Capstone project that you feel you could personally execute as a Master’s student gaining field experience.
Keep in mind that you have already surveyed the literature regarding question 2…all you need to do is see if any of those will be an issue in your chosen location. You may need to scan the public healh information for that location. You have already done all of the hard work on your PICO(T). Now you are simply critically evaluating which one would be the best one.
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