Disease And Culture
DISEASE AND CULTURE The Impact of Technological Advancements On the Spread of Diseases Student’s Name: Institutional Affiliations: 1 DISEASE AND CULTURE 2 Introduction Technological innovations play a key role in healthcare, leading to immeasurable improvements in productivity, life span, and comfort. Emerging infectious diseases are a threat globally, and surveillance of these diseases has become increasingly necessary. Monitoring these illnesses is very crucial in the identification and probable avoidance of health threats in society. Human factors such as business activities, dense populations, and travel contribute a great deal to the emergence of infectious diseases alongside ecological factors such as agricultural activities and climate change. These factors are necessary and basic requirements for humans in their day to day lives, and thus there is a need for more advanced measures to prevent and combat these diseases (Christaki, 2020). Many new technologies have cropped up in the medical industry and have proved very useful, especially in the progressive molecular identification of pathogens. These technologies also play a major role in availing a platform to monitor infectious diseases emergence and activity accurately. The new era has witnessed the development of epidemic intelligence methods and surveillance equipment based on the web. These tools are used by health institutions globally and are incorporated in disease risk assessments and
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