Mha Fp5010 Assessment 1

ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS Mayo Clinic Current Environmental Analysis Name Institution 1 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 2 Mayo Clinic Current Environmental Analysis Healthcare organizations utilize directional strategies as a framework of guiding their practice and management. Primarily, the directional strategy of an organization helps in defining what the organization stands for and what it aims to achieve. Aligning an organization’s directional strategy with the industry’s structural features is a crucial aspect of healthcare management towards achieving strategic plans. An environmental analysis, therefore, must accompany the directional strategy in order to determine whether the organization is utilizing the best approach to not only boost its competitive power but also achieve goals and improve the quality and safety of healthcare. This paper presents a critical environmental analysis of Mayo Clinic to understand its strategic management in relation to the healthcare industry and the organization’s directional strategies. Background Mayo Clinic is one of the leading healthcare systems in the United States and it offers care in all specialties. This organization is based in Rochester, Minnesota, Phoenix, Arizona, and Jacksonville, Florida. As a nonprofit academic medical center, the organization runs operations in patient care, research, and education. Mayo Clinic is the ranked the top healthcare organization by U.S News and World Report and is known for

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