Electronic Medical Record Ans

ELECTRONIC MEDICAL RECORDS 1 Electronic Medical Records Institution Affiliation Date ELECTRONIC MEDICAL RECORDS An electronic medical record is one that comprises of medical data as well as clinical data in one single facility for example the office of the doctor. The electronic medical record has recently replaced the traditional paper built medical record for individuals. There are various types of electronic medical records that normally have the similar type of information. An electronic health record contains detailed patient history and is normally shared among several facilities and agencies. An electronic medical record is used by the providers so that they can diagnose and treat diseases. The electronic medical records have proven to be of ore benefit as compared to paper based records since they enable providers track data over a certain period of time and patients who have previously visited the hospital can be easily identified. We also find that the use of electronic medical records has generally improved the overall quality of healthcare (Skolnik, 2011). However, there are potential issues that are likely to be encountered with the use electronic

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