Cohort Word Studies 1
PLEASE USE THE FOLLOWING POWERPOINT & GOUT ARTICLES TO ANSWER THE FOLLOWIG QUESTIONS Question 1 Framingham Heart Study Exercise A wide variety of clinical, laboratory and epidemiology studies have contributed to our knowledge of the relationships between various factors and coronary heart disease (CHD). One of the best known and most informative epidemiologic investigations is the Framington Heart Study. The Framington Heart Study was established by the US Public Health Service in 1948-50. This study utilized the cohort design (also termed prospective, longitudinal, or follow-up) by defining a large group of subjects who were free of heart disease, measuring exposure to risk factors of interest such as cholesterol level or blood pressure, following the cohort through time, and comparing incidence rates of heart disease among subjects with an exposure of interest, to the rates among subjects without that exposure. Establishment of the Cohort Framingham, Massachusetts was chosen as the study location for several reasons. The town of 28,000 persons had approximately 10,000 adults in the age range of 30-59 from which to choose study subjects. Framingham had a relatively stable population, its people had cooperated in a previous community health study, the town had one good general hospital from which surveillance of the population would be easier, and Framingham was located near Boston where medicals services and personnel would be readily available. A two-thirds random sample
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