Remington College Discrimination Policy Influences on Healthcare Decisions Letter



Differentiate the legal and professional policies influencing healthcare decisions.


As an active Nurse member of the American Nurses Association (ANA) you are committed to engaging in activities related to health policy issues. To demonstrate your role as a client advocate you are writing a letter to a policy task force, or a legislative member or committee, pertaining to legal and professional policies associated with genetic discrimination that you have read about in the news.


Write a sample letter to a policy task force, or a legislative member or committee, that demonstrates client advocacy pertaining to genetic discrimination and it’s correlation to legal and professional policies.

Make sure to include the following details in the letter:

A description/background of the genetic discrimination

What is the specific problem?

A description of the related legal policy

A description of the related professional policy

A differentiation of the levels of policy and impact variations

Your input that defends your advocacy for clients impacted by the discrimination

Clearly stated, detailed description/ background of the genetic discrimination including what is the specific problem.

Clearly stated, detailed description of the related legal and professional policies.

Clearly stated, detailed differentiation of the levels of policy and impact variations.

Clearly stated, detailed explanation of your input that defends your advocacy for clients impacted by the discrimination.

APA format. Formal style reflected throughout the document, including no spelling, grammar, or APA format errors present. Adequate references with appropriate in text citation. Plagiarism free

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