A classic issue for those who believe in an all-knowing God—is..

A classic issue for those who believe in an all-knowing God—is..

A classic issue for those who believe in an all-knowing God—is..

A classic issue for those who believe in an all-knowing God—is the question of free will.

Free will means that for every action I take, I could have done otherwise. For instance, I could have taken a nap, but I chose instead to complete a discussion board. Hence, my decision to do the discussion board seems like a free one.

However, if God knows the future, and the future includes every action I will ever take, then God already knew that I would have to do the discussion board. But this means I could not have done otherwise, since God cannot be mistaken.

Can the idea of an all-knowing God be reconciled with free will? Or are we all pre-determined, with every action we will already take already set, like an alarm clock or a wind-up toy?

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