Advanced Pharmacology Discussion Essay

Be sure to note the required essay lengths. Additionally, each question should have at least one scholarly source other than the textbook.


  • For each of the following medications discuss causes and consequences of noncompliance and possible solutions.
    • Cephalosporins
    • Corticosteriods
    • Sulfonulureas (as an adjunct to insulin therapy)
    • Levothyroxine

Professional Development. Each essay-answer should contain at least one scholarly source other than the textbook.

  • Locate two scholarly articles regarding vaccines, one must be a research study, and neither can be editorials. Use scientific reasoning and pathophysiologic explanations, along with the two articles, to defend or refute the use of vaccines in children.
  • Consider the physiologic alterations in diabetes mellitus. Discuss at least five medications you might see prescribed for a diabetic patient. Why would each be prescribed? What is its mechanism of action? What are the risks and benefits of each medication? What patient education is needed?

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